Call for applications for a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Milan under the supervision of A. Pinotti (2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow) and C. Cappelletto (2014-2015 Paris IAS fellow)
Talk by I. Sanchez, 2016-2017 Paris IAS fellow
Talk by A. Pannese, Paris IAS fellow
Seminar organized by the University of California, Berkeley and the Paris IAS
Round table with D. Gosewinkel (WZB, 2013-2015 Paris IAS fellow)
Lecture by A. Pelizza, Paris IAS fellow
Workshop organized by C. Gonçalves (Paris IAS fellow) and C. Proust (SPHERE - U. Paris Diderot)
Workshop organized by Y. Huang (Paris IAS) and A. Dan (Labex TransferS, CNRS- ENS Paris)
L'IEA de Paris et le Concert de la Loge s'associent afin de créer des passerelles entre le monde de la recherche et le grand public
Workshop organized by the DYPAC laboratory, with the support of the Paris IAS
Talk by S. Takats, Paris IAS fellow
Workshop organized by J. Boittin (Paris IAS) and R. Rogers (Paris Descartes University)
Talk by S. Takats, Paris IAS fellow
Workshop organized by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Justice and the EHESS, with the support of the Paris IAS
Lecture by A. Pannese, Paris IAS fellow
Round table in the presence of S. Silbey (2015-2016 Paris IAS fellow), organized by the ISP
Lecture by J. MacFarlane, Paris IAS fellow
Conference organized by D. Alexandre, V. Gély, C. Martin (U. Paris-Sorbonne), and R. Morrissey (U. of Chicago), with the support of the Paris IAS
Lecture by D. Konstan, Paris IAS fellow
Lecture by A. Pelizza, Paris IAS fellow
Workshop organized by I. Podoroga (Paris IAS fellow), with the support of the Centre Jean Pépin (ENS)
Lecture by R. Darnton, Paris IAS fellow
Lecture by J. MacFarlane, Paris IAS fellow
Lecture by R. Darnton, Paris IAS fellow
Workshop organized by S. Macdonald (Paris IAS) and J.-F. Dunyach (Paris-Sorbonne University)