Award received by Jessica Marglin, 2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow
Lecture by P. Nivet (Université de Picardie) within the framework of the lecture series "Paris de la Belle Époque à la fin de la guerre froide"
Daniel Garber presents his research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Lecture by A. Gady (Université Paris-Sorbonne) within the framework of the lecture series "L’île Saint-Louis à travers les siècles"
Andrea Pinotti presents his research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Talk by A. Malet, 2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow
Call for papers for the conference organized by Jasper Heinzen (IEA de Paris) and the Institut Historique Allemand
Talk by J. Marglin, 2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow
Workshop organized by I. Sánchez (U. Madrid / 2016-2017 Paris IAS fellow), B. Dumézil (U. Paris Nanterre) and P. Poveda (U. Salamanque), with the support of the Paris IAS
Award received by J. Beckert, 2012-2013 Paris IAS fellow
Roundtable with O. Gueye, 2011-2012 Paris IAS fellow
Lecture by M. Pignot (Université de Picardie) within the framework of the lecture series "Paris de la Belle Époque à la fin de la guerre froide"
Giandomenico Iannetti presents his research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Conference organized by I. de Oliveira (Sorbonne Nouvelle University), with the support of the Paris IAS
Lecture by J.-M. Leniaud (EPHE) within the framework of the 2017-2018 EPHE lecture series, organized in partnership with the Paris IAS
Communication de W. Sack, résident 2015-2016 / 2016-2017 de l'IEA de Paris
Conference organized by the Social Network Analysis Group of British Sociological Association, with the support of the Paris IAS and the MSH Paris-Saclay
Nathan Perl-Rosenthal presents his research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Talk by A. Pinotti, 2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow
Conference organized by J. Ginzburg, E. Maguire, C. Mazzocconi, V. Maraev, Y. Tian, L. Zaradzki (U. Paris-Diderot), with the support of the Paris IAS
International conference organized by the Université Paris-Sorbonne, the Institut Historique Allemand, the EPHE / GSRL and the Université Strasbourg, with the support of the Paris IAS
Lecture by A. Malet, 2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow
The Paris IAS will welcome Skip Sempé for a master class dedicated to harpsichord and chamber music
The Paris Institute for Advanced Study welcomes Skip Sempé and the Capriccio Stravagante trio
Talk by P. Arabindoo, 2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow