Talk by V. Hayaert, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by J. MacFarlane, Paris IAS fellow
Workshop organized by F. McCarren (Paris IAS), E. Claire (CNRS) and J.-P. Le Glaunec (U. of Sherbrooke)
Lecture by R. Darnton, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by M. Thiemann, Paris IAS fellow
Doctoral school organized by P. Bastien (Paris IAS, UQAM), B. Deruelle (UQAM) and S. Lamassé (Paris 1 University)
Talk by I. Podoroga, Paris IAS fellow
Conference organized by P. Bastien and S. Macdonald, Paris IAS fellows
Debate with R. Darnton (Paris IAS), R. Chartier (EHESS / Collège de France) and J.-N. Jeanneney (Sciences Po) organized by the Paris IAS and Esprit
Talk by C. Ali, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by D. Konstan, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by I. Sanchez Ramos, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by J. Boittin, Paris IAS fellow
International conference convened by I.Fried (Paris IAS / UCLA / Tel Aviv U.) and A. Berthoz (Collège de France)
Talk by D. Walker (Université de Sheffield) within the framework of the lecture series "Paris, de la Restauration à la Grande Guerre"
Talk by P. Bastien, Paris IAS fellow
Round table with E. Danbon (ULB / 2015-2016 Paris IAS fellow), L. Naccache (ICM, UPMC), and A. Berthoz (Collège de France).
Lecture by P. Bastien, Paris IAS fellow
Talks by S. de Souza Correa and E. Berger, 2013-2014 Paris IAS fellows
Lecture by A. Pannese, Paris IAS fellow
Lecture by T. Thedoropoulou, 2015-2016 Paris IAS fellow
Screening and round table organized by C. Ali, Paris IAS fellow
Lecture by D. Konstan, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by P. Bastien, Paris IAS fellow
Initiée au niveau mondial en réponse aux positions anti-sciences du nouveau président des États-Unis, la Marche pour les Sciences aura lieu dans plus de 20 pays