Événements à venir
Round-table discussion marking the paperback launch of Risk on the Table: Food Production, Health, and the Environment, edited by Angela Creager (Princeton University, 2024-2025 Research Fellow at the Paris IAS) and Jean-Paul Gaudillière (Inserm & EHESS)
Talk by Gruia Badescu, 2024-2025 Paris IAS Fellow, as part of the event "The Visceral and the Virtual: Memorial Practices in Eastern and Southeastern Europe" organized by the Max Planck Institute
Speech by Gordon Cumming (Cardiff University) as part of the international conference "2024 UK General Election. Is the UK (still) unstable?" organized by the Centre for Research on the English-Speaking World (CREW) - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Talk by Yitzhak Hen (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel / Paris IAS Fellow) as part of the "Paris IAS Ideas" series
Talk by Ausrine Armonaite (Former Lithuanian Minister of Economy and Innovation / Paris IAS Fellow) as part of the "Paris IAS Ideas" series
Workshop organized by the Paris IAS and Carnegie Mellon University, as a side event of the Paris Artificial Intelligence Action Summit
A series of meetings organized by Bettina Laville, President of the Paris IAS, Honorary State Councillor
Meeting-performance organised as part of the Brain Awareness Week 2025