Événements à venir
Lecture by Pavel Lurje, researcher and curator at the State Hermitage Museum (Saint Petersburg) and 2024-2025 research-fellow at the Paris IAS (FIAS program)
Conference organized by Benjamin Hegarty (Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, Oxford University, Paris IAS) and Frédéric Keck (CNRS, Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale)
Conference organized by Xavier Philippe (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, ISJPS) and Tine Destrooper (Ghent University, Paris IAS)
Study day organized by Benjamin Hegarty (Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, Paris IAS) and Frédéric Keck (CNRS, Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale)
International conference organized by Sandra Laugier, Tatsiana Zhurauliova, Camille Braune and Thibaut de Saint-Maurice, with the support of the Paris IAS
Conference by Mathilde Cohen (University of Connecticut, Paris IAS) as part of the "Sciences sociales et alimentation" seminar (2024-2025) organized by the ENS
Conférence en ligne de Martin Stokhof, Professeur émérite de philosophie à l'Université d'Amsterdam et professeur de logique à l'Université Tsinghua de Pékin., et en résidence d'écriture à l'IEA, dans le cadre du cycle "Paris IAS Ideas"
Online conference by Valdimir Safatle, professor at the Université of São Paulo, as part of the "Paris IAS Ideas" series
Conferences organised by Carola Hein, Professor and Chair History of Architecture and Urban Planning at Delft University of Technology, holding the UNESCO Chair "Water, Ports and Historic Cities", and 2024-2025 research-fellow at the Paris IAS
Brainstorming panels in conjunction with the project « The Global War on Civilians, 1905-1945 »
A series of meetings organized by Bettina Laville, President of the Paris IAS, Honorary State Councillor
First session of a series of meetings organised on the initiative of Bettina Laville, President of the Paris IAS and Honorary State Councillor
Seminar organised by Mogens Lærke (CNRS, MFO/IHRIM) and Sophie Roux (ENS-PSL, République des Savoirs), with the support of the Paris IAS
Conference by Pavel Lurje (Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Paris IAS) as part of the Societies, politics and cultures of the Iranian world series (2024-2025)
Meeting-performance organised as part of the Brain Awareness Week 2025
Lecture by Katrin Ahlgren (Stockholm University, Paris IAS) as part of the Sorbonne Nouvelle Master’s seminar on general and comparative literature “The languages of literature”
Workshop organized by Paavo Monkkonen, Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, and 2024-2025 resident-fellow at the Paris IAS
Conferences organised by Catherine Brun, Christian Phéline and Agnès Spiquel, with the support of the Paris IAS
Conference organized by Paavo Monkkonen (UCLA, Paris IAS) and Céline Vacchiani-Marcuzzo (Université Paris Cité)
Conference organised by EPHE-PSL, the Groupe Sociétés Religions Laïcités and the MSH Paris-Saclay, with the support of the Paris IAS
Immersive simulation led by Carola Hein, professor at Delft University of Technology and 2024-2025 research-fellow at the Paris IAS
Conference organized by Félix Duperrier (Université Paris Cité), Pauline Hortolland (Université de Franche-Comté) and Camille Adnot (Université Paris-Est Créteil), with the support of the Paris IAS
Conference organized by Le Havre Port Center, with the participation of Carola Hein (TU Delft, Paris IAS)
Speech by Gordon Cumming (Cardiff University, Paris IAS) during the conference organized by François Pacquement at the Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer
Second session of a series of meetings organised on the initiative of Bettina Laville, President of the Paris IAS and Honorary State Councillor