Lecture by D. Gallie (Paris IAS fellow), for the City of Paris Université des Cadres
Award received by Nancy Rose Hunt, 2014-2015 Paris IAS fellow
Award received by G. Abend, 2013-2014 Paris IAS fellow
Talk by P. Bastien (Paris IAS fellow) and F. Bretschneider (EHESS)
Talk by J. Boittin, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by D. Konstan, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by P. Bastien, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by F. Bourillon (Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne) within the framework of the lecture series "Paris, de la Restauration à la Grande Guerre"
Talk by D. Konstan, Paris IAS fellow
Lecture by P. Bullock, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by P. Bastien, Paris IAS fellow
Lecture by S. Takats, Paris IAS fellow
Workshop in honor of K. Baker, 2015-2016 Paris IAS fellow
Lecture by S. Macdonald, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by Robert Darnton, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by M. Vogliotti (Paris IAS fellow (2014-2015))
Talk by P. R. Bullock, Paris IAS fellow
Workshop organized by D. Collacciani (CNRS-ENS-Collège de France) and T. Francesco (Université Roma Tre), with the support of the Paris IAS
Talk by S. Macdonald, Paris IAS fellow
International conference organized by L. Norci Cagiano (U. di Roma Tre), C. Martin and L. Plazenet (U. Paris-Sorbonne), with the support of the Paris IAS
Talk by P. R. Bullock, Paris IAS fellow
Talk by Sean Takats, Paris IAS fellow
Workshop organized by A. C. Hosne (Paris IAS fellow) and A. Romano (EHESS)
Call for abstracts for a two-day workshop organized by J. MacFarlane, Paris IAS fellow