Mary of Burgundy : ‘Persona’, Reign, and Legacy of a Late Medieval Duchess
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Towards a Phenomenological Axiology – Discovering what Matters
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Thalassotopies. La mer vue de la terre, la terre vue de la mer dans l'antiquité égéenne
Written by Claire Jeandel |
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How big is the ‘‘lemons’’ problem? Historical evidence from French wines
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Getting to the Truth: Ethics, Trust, and Triage in the United States versus Europe during the Covid‐19 Pandemic
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Care As Belonging, Difference, and Inequality
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Measuring communication quality in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
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Systèmes ou pensée ? L’histoire de la philosophie en question au Collège de France
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La religion, le corps et le credo de la liberté aux Etats-Unis
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The Trial of Jeanne Catherine: Infanticide in Early Modern Geneva
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Gods of Small Things
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Circles of Peace. A Video Analysis of Situational Group Formation and Collective Third-Party Intervention in Violent Incidents
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The cognitive and perceptual correlates of ideological attitudes: a data-driven approach
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Computational and neurocognitive approaches to the political brain: key insights and future avenues for political neuroscience
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Antiliberales Europa oder Anti-Europa? Europakonzeptionen in der französischen extremen Rechten 1940-1990
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The Last Habsburg Coronation and What it Means to be Anointed
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The flexibility of early memories: Limited re-evaluation of action steps in 2-year-old infants
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Identification as Translation: The art of choosing the right spokespersons at the securitized border
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Legal Services and Digital Infrastructures: A New Compass for Better Governance
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Philosophical Logic, A Contemporary Introduction
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