Un esclave entre deux empires. Une histoire transimpériale du Maghreb
Hits: 3809
Sparse Multiple Factor Analysis, sparse STATIS, and sparse DiSTATIS with applications to sensory evaluation
Hits: 2640
Engineering Vengeful Effervescence: Lynching Rituals and Religious–Political Power in Pakistan
Hits: 2481
Modern Arab Kingship: Remaking the Ottoman Political Order in the Interwar Middle East
Hits: 3940
Capital claims: Power and Global Finance
Hits: 2558
Politics and Kinship. A Reader
Hits: 3123
African Modernism and its Afterlife
Hits: 3256
The Origin of Sin. Greece and Rome, Early Judaism and Christianity
Hits: 3864
A Long Ongoing War. Putin’s Imaginary Ukrainians and a Mythic Russian Identity
Hits: 3903
The Shamama Case: Contesting Citizenship across the Modern Mediterranean
Hits: 4071
Cheerfulness: A Literary and Cultural History
Hits: 3335
La Caverne des Grands Voleurs, ou les cires d’échafaud de Philippe Curtius (Paris, 1782-1784)
Hits: 3893
The Return of the Native. Can Liberalism Safeguard Us Against Nativism?
Hits: 3509
Deriving calibrations for Arawakan using archaeological evidence
Hits: 3397
Interpreting mismatches between linguistic and genetic patterns among speakers of Tanimuka (Eastern Tukanoan) and Yukuna (Arawakan)
Hits: 3401
Deriving calibrations for Arawakan using archaeological evidence
Hits: 3388
Writing Egypt. Al-Maqrizi and his Historical Project
Hits: 4447
Undesirable : Passionate Mobility and Women’s Defiance of French Colonial Policing, 1919–1952
Hits: 4291
Ethnography of the Commons
Hits: 3987
The Practice of Texts: Education and Healing in South India
Hits: 3893