Transnational activism and the globalization of anti-communism after 1989
Hits: 6760
Affinity and Estrangement: Transnational Theosophy in Germany and India during the Colonial Era
Hits: 6904
Reflections on the past two decades of neuroscience
Hits: 6934
Algorithmic ethnography, during and after COVID-19
Hits: 7243
The ethnographer and the algorithm : beyond the black box
Hits: 7362
Paris et ses peuples au XVIIIe siècle
Hits: 9500
The ‘Roman de la Rose' and Thirteenth-Century Thought
Hits: 3852
Le pouvoir de l’amitié et des relations interpersonnelles. L’éclairage des neurosciences sociales
Hits: 3706
An opportunity for a new development model in China?
Hits: 6073
Metrics at Work: Journalism and the Contested Meaning of Algorithms
Hits: 8072
Jews and the Mediterranean
Hits: 10020
Les théories en études de genre
Hits: 9871
The Law of Political Economy: Transformation in the Function of Law
Hits: 9914
Mandelstam's Worlds. Poetry, Politics, and Identity in a Revolutionary Age
Hits: 9547
A Silvan Tomkins Handbook
Hits: 10037
The Fight in Piccadilly: How False News Went Viral in 1895
Hits: 4209
Pandemic cities: Between mimicry and trickery
Hits: 4193
One Dead at the Paris Opera Ballet; La Source 1866-2014
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 4126
Contrer les violences dans le couple. Emergence et reconfigurations d’un problème public
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 4177
Uncertain Futures. Imaginaries, Narratives, and Calculation in the Economy
Hits: 8022