Capital Letters. Hugo, Baudelaire, Camus, and the Death Penalty
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 4513
Genèse d’une pensée politique : les manuscrits des Considérations sur le gouvernement ancien et présent de la France du marquis d’Argenson
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 4319
D’Argenson, Considérations sur le gouvernement : a critical edition, with other political texts
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 4367
Georges Canguilem: les traces du métier
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 4211
Choosing a Thirteenth-Century Motet Tenor: From the Magnus liber organi to Adam de la Halle
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 4386
La honte au Sahel. Pudeur, respect, morale quotidienne
Hits: 4167
Countless Blessings. A History of Childbirth and Reproduction in the Sahel
Hits: 8215
Les transformations contemporaines du rapport au travail
Hits: 9663
Clandestine Philosophy : New Studies on Subversive Manuscripts in Early Modern Europe
Hits: 4261
Mes Loisirs, ou Journal d'événemens tels qu'ils parviennent à ma connoissance (1753-1789), Volume 7
Hits: 9816
Once Upon a Time There Lived a Translator: Ludmila Savitzky and Constantin Balmont
Hits: 8602
2005. Assia Djebar, ‘Fillette arabe’ devenue académicienne
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 4387
Les nouveaux chemins de la légalité
Hits: 9816
Production of Locality in the Early Modern and Modern Age: Places
Hits: 8769
Metaphors of Confinement. The Prison in Fact, Fiction, and Fantasy
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 4788
Les prophètes de la finance. Contester et refaire l’époque
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 4698
Muslim Women and Power. Political and Civic Engagement in West European Societies
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 4620
Modern Things on Trial: Islam's Global and Material Reformation in the Age of Rida, 1865-1935
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 4955
L’esprit de réaction
Hits: 10410
Nathalie Sarraute
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 9522