Internationale Strafjustiz: Im Dienst des kollektiven Gedaechtnisses
Hits: 10820
Il volto della folla. Soggetti collettivi, democrazia, individuo
Hits: 8850
Magia Naturalis e Scientia Cabalae in Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola
Hits: 9481
Penser le terrorisme : le cas Albert Camus
Hits: 9280
Death Sentences: Literature and State Killing
Hits: 9145
Staging the Limit: Albert Camus’s Just Assassins and the Il/legitimacy of Terrorism
Hits: 10318
The Software Arts
Hits: 5289
French Colonial Histories From Below
Hits: 8692
Le traitement pénal des violences sexuelles à Genève. Une étude exploratoire
Hits: 10803
Le Siècle de la légèreté : émergences d’un paradigme du XVIIIe siècle français
Hits: 11394
Living Mirrors Infinity, Unity, and Life in Leibniz's Philosophy
Hits: 11633
La maîtrise de soi et les enjeux de l'habitude
Hits: 9958
Making Settlers Muslim: Religion, Resistance and Everday Life in Nineteenth-Century French Algeria
Hits: 9684
Violence by royal command: a judicial “moment” (1574–1575)
Hits: 11422
Journalism on Darfur between Social Fields: Global and National Forces
Hits: 11673
A History of Russian Literature
Hits: 11101
Deep in the Brain: Identity and Authenticity in Pediatric Gender Transition
Hits: 11474
Bob Dylan's Poetics: How the Songs Work
Hits: 9294
Arendt and Pluralism Reconsidered
Hits: 11339
Hannah Arendt, Liberalism, and Freedom from Politics
Hits: 11266