Perkament in stukken: Teruggevonden middeleeuwse handschriftfragmenten
Hits: 11092
The Growth of Shadow Banking. A Comparative Institutional Analysis
Hits: 9759
« Femmes à Boches ». Occupation du corps féminin, dans la France et la Belgique de la Grande Guerre
Hits: 10919
A ‘continuum of sexual economic exchanges’ or ‘weak agency’?
Hits: 11380
Partager la ville. Une utopie ?
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 11188
In Search of Russian Modernism
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 9437
Polyphony in Medieval Paris: The Art of Composing with Plainchant
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 11467
In the Orbit of Love. Affection in Ancient Greece and Rome
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 11521
Le terrorisme et les droits fondamentaux
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 11065
Islam and Identity in 21st Century Pakistan
Hits: 5750
Capitalism’s Alter Ego: The Birth of Reciprocity in Eighteenth-Century France
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 9366
Installation Theory. The societal construction and regulation of behavior
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 5799
The Transformation of Greek Amulets in Roman Imperial Times
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 9424
La fin de l'entreprise responsable ?
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 11127
Et vocatum est nomen eius IESVS. L’onomastique divine dans la pensée cabbalistique chrétienne de Niccolò Camerario
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 9883
Origins and Interactions: Clausula, Motet, Conductus
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 11911
Cicero’s Two Loves
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 11388
Calendrical Calculations. The Ultimate Edition
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 11358
The Misadventures of the "Problem" in "Philosophy"
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 11144
Rentrer dans l’image : sommes-nous tous Narcisse ?
Written by zum Kolk |
Hits: 11307