Hits: 5778
A good, a bad, and an evil character : Who renders a novel most enjoyable ?
Hits: 7382
Racial Justice and Economic Efficiency Both Require Ending the War on Drugs
Hits: 4768
Éditer et pirater. Le commerce des livres en France et en Europe au seuil de la Révolution
Hits: 7487
Primordial History, Print Capitalism, and Egyptology in Nineteenth-Century Cairo, Muṣṭafā Salāma al-Naǧǧārī’s. The Garden of Ismail’s Praise
Hits: 7859
De la neurasthénie d’Adrien Proust au syndrome de fatigue chronique
Written by Claire Jeandel |
Hits: 3301
Floating Sophia, Polarizing to Abeyance, Waqf-izing the State
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Pandémie sous forme de métaphores de guerre et de crise
Hits: 4735
Knowing about Genocide Armenian Suffering and Epistemic Struggles
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Climate Econometrics: Can the Panel Approach Account for Long‐Run Adaptation?
Hits: 6260
Sovereign Debt Diplomacies : Rethinking sovereign debt from colonial empires to hegemony
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Société et subjectivité. Transformations contemporaines
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The Brains That Pull the Triggers. Syndrome E
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Res Publica, vol. 26, issue 4
Hits: 8402
Attention in naïve psychology
Hits: 6810
Prevention of Environmental Harm
Hits: 6732
Research Handbook on Transnational Environmental Law
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Databases, Revenues, & Repertory: The French Stage Online. 1680-1793
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Moral acrobatics: How we avoid ethical ambiguities by thinking in black and white
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Het schaduwleger | L’Armée de l’ombre
Hits: 3381