Rosa Congost presents her research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Talk by D. Walsh, 2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow
Talk by S. Guyot, 2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow
Workshop organized by N. Loménie, C. Kurtz and C. Badoual (Paris Descartes), with the support of the Paris IAS
Buket Türkmen presents her research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Lecture by D. Peschanski (CNRS) and F. Eustache (EPHE) oganized by the Paris IAS within the framework of the Brain Awareness Week
The Paris Institute for Advanced Study is launching four calls for applications for 5 or 10-month research fellowships
Lecture series organized by CRI and Paris IAS
Lecture by S. Lahlou, Director of the Paris IAS
Marco Mostert presents his research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Conference organized by A. Stauder (EPHE) and F. Ronconi (EHESS), with the support of the Paris IAS
Discussion seminar at the Paris IAS
Talk by B. Türkmen, 2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow
Conference organized by S. Ciranna and G. Origgi (Institut Jean Nicod), with the support of the Paris IAS
Workshop Horizon 2020, organized by PCN SHS et Sécurité, with the support of ANR, CoFIS, and Paris IAS
Adam Mestyan presents his research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Talk by M. Jonik, 2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow
Workshop organized by S. M. de Souza Correa (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina / LEHAf) and D. Nativel (Paris Diderot / CESSMA), with the support of the Paris IAS
Workshop organized by M. Cornu (CNRS), I. Chave (Ministry of Culture and Communication) and A. Vaivade (Latvian Academy of Culture), with the support of the Paris IAS
Marylène Lieber presents her research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Symposium organized by P. Haggard (UCL / Paris IAS 2016-2017) and N. Sidarus (ENS), with the support of the Paris IAS
Lecture by S. Guyot, 2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow
Talk by S. Sadjadi, 2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow
Lecture by B. Dumézil (Sorbonne Université) within the framework of the lecture series "Paris, des origines à l’an mil"
Round tables within the framework of the Nuit des Idées at the Paris IAS