Lecture by Patrick Haggard,2019-2020 Paris IAS Fellow, as part of th e "Sciences in Context" program, organized by CRI and the Paris IAS
Alexei Volkov, 2019-2020 IAS Fellow presents his research project at the internal seminar
Leçon inaugurale de Johan Lagae, résident 2019-2020 de l'IEA de Paris dans le cadre de la Chaire Francqui 2020 : John Lagae - Ville et architecture en Afrique (post-)coloniale
Lecture by Terence Cave, 2019-20 Paris IAS Fellow, within the seminar "Passions et émotions à l'âge classique, entre philosophie et littérature" organized at ENS
Jonathan Glasser, 2019-2020 Fellow at the Paris IAS, presents his research project
3 séances d'ateliers dans le cadre du cycle RIT organisé par la Ville de Paris, l'EIVP et l'IEA de Paris
Séminaire organisé par l'IEA de Paris, la Délégation générale à la Transition Écologique et à la Résilience de la Ville de Paris et l'EIVP
Conference by Simone Bateman-Novaes (CNRS, CERMES 3) as part of the cycle "La bioéthique : aux frontières de la vie ?"
Table ronde organisée à l'occasion de la Nuit des Idées 2020
Speech by Angelo Torre, historian, 2019-2020 Paris IAS Fellow, in the framework of the international conference "Environmental risk and common goods. The historiography of environmental resources between discontinuity and sustainability"
Speech by Robert Pasnau, 2019-2020 Paris IAS Fellow, within the framework of the Descartes Seminar, "New Research on Cartesianism and Modern Philosophy"
Lecture by Laurence T. Maloney, 2019-2020 resident of the Paris IAS, Professor of Psychology, New York University, as part of the "Sciences in Context" cycle organized by the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire and the Paris IAS.
Angelo Torre presents his research project during the internal seminar
Conference by Anne Marcilhac (EPHE-PSL, ITEV) as part of the cycle "La bioéthique : aux frontières de la vie ?"
Study day as part of the "Brain, Culture, and Society" IAS Program
Speech by Johan Lagae, 2019-2020 Fellow of the Paris IAS, as part of the "Cadrages coloniaux. Usages privés de la photographie dans les empires européens" study days, organized by EHNE and MEP
Mathieu Cimino présente son projet de recherche à l'occasion du séminaire interne
Seminar by Roberta de Monticelli, 2019-2020 Paris IAS Fellow, as part of the CREA XVIII / Programme d'Etudes sur l'Angleterre de la Renaissance aux Lumières : "Matière, matérialité, matérialisme".
Speech by Colette Colligan, 2019-2020 IAS Fellow during the Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association (MLA)