Round table with Cécile Fromont, Paris IAS Fellow, organized by Yale University
Seminar by Dilip Ninan, Paris IAS Fellow, organized by Institut Jean Nicod, ENS
International conference organized by Pierre Pénet, sociologist and former Paris IAS Fellow, as part of the d’Alembert Paris-Saclay / Paris IAS Chair, with the support of Paris-Saclay University
Séminaire hebdomadaire interne
Séminaire hebdomadaire interne
Seminar series organized by Sofia Bonicalzi, Research Fellow at the Paris IAS
Conference by Patrick Haggard, 2020-2021 Paris IAS Research Fellow, as part of the Sorbonne Université SCAI Program
Séminaire hebdomadaire interne
Public Statement by the Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study
Séminaire hebdomadaire interne
Workshop as part of the 'Brain, Culture and Society' program
Table ronde organisée par Robert Desjarlais, chercheur en résidence à l'IEA de Paris
Séminaire hebdomadaire interne
Lecture by Chrissy Kolaya, Former Fellow at Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, as part of the Netias lecture series "Borders"
Séminaire hebdomadaire interne
Conférence de Tatjana Thelen, résidente-chercheuse 2020-2021 de l'IEA de Paris
Conference by Merja Polvinen, Senior Lecturer in English Philology, University of Helsinki, Former Erik Allardt Fellow, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, as part of the series "Borders"
Internal seminair by Colin Jones, 2020-2021 Paris IAS Fellow
Panel discussion organized by the Institute for European Studies, Cornell University, with Cécile Fromont, Yale University and current Paris IAS Fellow
Webséminaire hebdomadaire interne