European NetIAS Lecture Series on the theme of Borders.
Webconference by Niko Besnier, Professor of Cultural Anthropology, University of Amsterdam, Former Fellow, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, as part of the series of lectures "Borders"
Internal webseminar by Robert Desjarlais, 2020-2021 Paris IAS Fellow
Séance introductive du cycle de séminaires organisé par François Jullien, philosophe attaché à la FMSH, avec le soutien de l'IEA de Paris
Internal webseminar by Tatjana Thelen, 2020-2021 Paris IAS Fellow
Conversation with Cécile Fromont, 2020-2021 Paris IAS Fellow, as part of the series "Critical race conversations" hosted by the Folger Institute
Séminaire interne par Claudine Provencher, résidente-chercheuse 2020-2021 de l'IEA de Paris
Rencontre autour de l'ouvrage de Séverine Mathieu, directrice d'études à l'EPHE-PSL, avec le soutien de l'IEA de Paris
Discussion avec la sociologue Eva Illouz et l'historien Ivan Jablonka dans le cadre du Festival Les Traversées du Marais
Workshop organized by Angelo Torre, historian, 2019-2020 Paris IAS Research Fellow
Webconference by Thomas Bottcher, researcher at the Zukunftskolleg - Institute for Advanced Studies in Konstanz, Germany, within the framework of the conference cycle organized with the support of the European network Netias
International online conference organized by the Paris IAS, the Paris School of Urban Engineering, with the support of the City of Paris
Webconference by Lazlo Muntean, Fellow at the IAS CEU, Budapest, organized in cooperation with NetIAS, Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study
Weekly online seminar organized by Robert Pasnau, professor of Philosophy at the University of Colorado Boulder, current Paris IAS Fellow, with the support of the Paris IAS
Webconférence de Andreas Teske, résident-chercheur à l'Institut d'études avancées de Delmenhorst, Allemagne dans le cadre du cycle de conférences organisé avec le soutien du réseau européen Netias
Weekly online seminar organized by Robert Pasnau, professor of Philosophy at the University of Colorado Boulder, current Paris IAS Fellow, with the support of the Paris IAS
Webconference by Lisa M. Wu, Fellow at the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Danemark, as part of the series organized with the support of Netias
Webconférence by Molly Andrews, University of East London, and Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies as part of a series organized with the support of the European Netias network on the theme of Bo
Webséminaire interne par Julie Pollard, résidente chercheuse 2019-2020 de l'IEA de Paris
Atelier en ligne organisé par Angèle Christin, chercheuse-résidente 2019-2020 de l'IEA de Paris