Reading-performance by the Magasin d’Écriture Théâtrale within the framework of the Nuit des Idées at the Paris IAS
Talk by A. Frank, 2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow
Andrew Kahn presents his research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Conference organized by R. Béhar (ENS, PSL), C. Bénévent (ENC, PSL) and V. Leroux (EPHE, PSL), with the support of the Paris IAS
Workshop organized by O. Nachtomy (2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow / Bar-Ilan University) and M. Lærke (CNRS, IHRIM), with the support of the Paris IAS
Lecture by S. Lahlou, Director of the Paris IAS
Adam Frank presents his research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Talk by M. Jonik, 2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow
Workshop organized by B. Zimmermann (Centre Georg Simmel), P. Fridenson (Centre de recherches Historiques) and C. Didry (Centre Maurice Halbwachs), with the support of the Centre Marc Bloch and the Paris IAS
Workshop on cultural heritage management, organized by the Paris IAS
Workshop organized by S. Sadjadi, 2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow
Lecture by D. Busson (Ville de Paris) within the framework of the lecture series "Paris, des origines à l’an mil"
Michael Jonik presents his research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Lecture by H. Watanabe-O'Kelly, 2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow
Kei Hiruta presents his research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Round table organized by M. Lieber (2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow), K. Duplan (University of Geneva), and C. Schmoll (Paris Diderot / IUF)
Talk by S. Sadjadi, 2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow
Conference organized by A. Pinotti (Università Statale di Milano / Paris IAS 2017-2018), with the support of the IIC and the FMSH
Workshop organized by M. Lieber (2018-2019 Paris IAS fellow), K. Duplan (University of Geneva), and C. Schmoll (Paris Diderot / IUF)
Conference organized by R. Pliego (University of Seville, Paris IAS 2017-2018) and M. Bompaire (EPHE | PSL), with the support of the Paris IAS and the SAPRAT Laboratory
Jean-Alexandre Perras presents his research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
Communication de M. Mostert, résident 2018-2019 de l'IEA de Paris
Round table organized by the Paris IAS within the framework of the "Nuit des Débats"
Lecture by T. Lejars (CNRS - ENS) within the framework of the lecture series "Paris, des origines à l’an mil"