Accueil / Evénements / Pakistan's General Election: Continuity or Change?

Pakistan's General Election: Continuity or Change?

31 mai 2013 13:00 - 14:00

Chatham House, London, Angleterre


Table ronde


Dr Farzana Shaikh, Associate Fellow, Asia Programme, Chatham House
Aamer Ahmed Khan, Head, BBC Urdu Service
Professor Ian Talbot, Professor of Modern British History, University of Southampton
Declan Walsh, Correspondent for Pakistan and Afghanistan, The Guardian (2004-11); Pakistan Bureau Chief, New York Times


Chair: Bridget Kendall, Diplomatic Correspondent, BBC


The speakers will discuss the outcome of Pakistan's general election as power is transferred from one elected government to another for the first time in its history. They will consider what the results of the 11 May election will mean for the trajectory of Pakistan's domestic and foreign policy challenges.

Re-penser les politiques du soufisme au Pakistan
01 octobre 2012 - 30 juin 2013
30 juin 2013
31 Mai 2013 14:00
Farzana Shaikh
Colloques et journées d’étude
Époque contemporaine (1789-...)
Asie du Sud
Sciences politiques