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Giuseppe Bianco

Research assistant
University of Warwick
Social and Vital Norms: the intellectual itinerary of Georges Canguilhem
23 December 2015 - 30 June 2015

Giuseppe Bianco has been a Research Assistant at the University of Warwick and a fellow in the Research in Paris programme at École Normale Supérieure. He won the Fondation Singer-Polignac’s prize for his project on the field of philosophy in the 1950s. Bianco’s research focuses on the history of philosophy in relation with social and human sciences in France in the 19th and 20th centuries.

He has published articles about authors, currents and concepts, as well as on the conditions of exchange and intellectual production. He recently finished a book on Bergson’s influence on 20th century philosophy, focusing on the problem of conceptual legacy (Après Bergson. Portrait de groupe avec philosophe, Presses Universitaires de France, to be published January 2015), a volume on biopolitical and bioethical problems (The Care of Life, Rowman, 2014), and a collection about Georges Politzer (La signification du concret. Psychologie et philosophie chez Georges Politzer, Hermann, to be published in early 2015). His current research is twofold: the history of the relationship between social and life sciences, on the one hand, and the impact of social sciences in research on the history of philosophy and intellectuals, on the other.

During the 19th century, with Auguste Comte, Alfred Espinas and especially Émile Durkheim, French sociology sought to assert itself as a positive science (in opposition to moral philosophy) that could provide a foundation for political action. To do so, sociology incorporated a specific epistemological position, involving first the use of a series of analogies between social phenomena and vital phenomena, second a biology based on a mechanist physiology, and third the idea of a correspondence between illness and health. Georges Canguilhem’s philosophy of life – and especially his concept of vital normativity, which he sketched out during the Interwar period – is the result of a confrontation with the human and social sciences. Canguilhem’s theoretical position and his political commitments are thus understandable if they are resituated in the more general context of the interconnection between social sciences and life sciences. This research project aims at analysing the relationship between Canguilhem’s critique of the foundations of social sciences and the development of his philosophy of life.

Conference organized by USR République des Savoirs, with the support of the Labex TransferS and the Paris IAS
16 Apr 2019 09:00 -
17 Apr 2019 18:00,
Paris :
Bachelardismes et anti-bachelardismes en France. Controverses épistémologiques des années 1960
Talk by G. Bianco (Paris IAS fellow)
23 Jun 2016 11:15 -
23 Jun 2016 12:30,
Potsdam :
The Living and the Human
16 Apr 2016 10:30 -
16 Apr 2016 12:30,
Paris :
Révolution copernicienne ou contre-révolution ptolémaïque ? Foucault, Vuillemin, Heidegger
Journée d’étude organisée par Giuseppe Bianco (Université Lyon 3 / NYU), ancien résident de l’IEA de Paris, avec le soutien du Caphés, UMS 3610 CNRS - ENS Paris
13 Nov 2015 09:00 -
13 Nov 2015 18:00,
Paris :
Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995) : les traces du métier
Communication de Giuseppe Bianco, résident à l'IEA de Paris
24 Sep 2015 19:00 -
24 Sep 2015 21:00,
São Paulo :
O que é uma herança filosófica? O caso de Bergson
Table ronde organisée par Gretty Mirdal (IEA de Paris, Université de Copenhague)
19 May 2015 17:00 -
19 May 2015 19:00,
Paris :
La sociologie comme elle s’écrit. De Bourdieu à Latour
Workshop de Giuseppe Bianco, résident à l'IEA de Paris
13 Apr 2015 00:00 -
13 Apr 2015 00:00,
New York :
What is intellectual inheritance? The case of Bergsonism
13 Mar 2015 14:00 -
13 Mar 2015 14:00,
Prague :
The traces of the philosophical work. A sociologically - inspired programme for the history of a discipline and case - analysis
Communication de Giuseppe Bianco, résident à l'IEA de Paris
10 Mar 2015 09:00 -
12 Mar 2015 18:00,
Prague :
Entre finalisme et mécanisme. Le corps dans la philosophie de l'activité
19 Feb 2015 17:00 -
19 Feb 2015 19:00,
Paris :
Auteurs, concepts, écoles, héritages : l’histoire de la philosophie à l’épreuve des sciences sociales
Séminaire organisé par Giuseppe Bianco, résident à l'IEA de Paris, et Sophie Roux (ENS Paris)
12 Feb 2015 00:00 -
07 May 2015 00:00,
Paris :
Catégories, méthodes, pratiques : qu’est-ce que faire de l’histoire de la philosophie ?
Journée d’étude organisée par Giuseppe Bianco (Université Lyon 3 / NYU), ancien résident de l’IEA de Paris, avec le soutien du Caphés, UMS 3610 CNRS - ENS Paris
Contemporary period (1789-…)
Western Europe