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Massimo Vogliotti

Associate professor
Università del Piemonte Orientale
Quelle formation juridique aujourd'hui?
01 October 2014 - 30 June 2015

Massimo Vogliotti is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory at the University of Eastern Piedmont (Italy), where he is the Scientific Director of the Alessandro Galante Garrone Chair. His research field stands at the crossroads of legal theory and penal law. The central idea unifying his research is the crisis in the modern legal paradigm (using Thomas Kuhn’s definition of paradigm shift) and its effects on the identity of law, legal science and the legal scholar. Hence Vogliotti’s recent interest in the question of legal training. He is notably the author of the study “Legalità” published in the Annali de l’Enciclopedia del diritto (Giuffrè, 2013) and of the following books: Tra fatto e diritto. Oltre la modernità giuridica (2007) and Dove passa il confine? Sul divieto di analogia nel diritto penale (2011), both published by Giappichelli. For the same publishing house, Vogliotti edited a collective work entitled Il tramonto della modernità giuridica. Un percorso interdisciplinare (2008).

He is a member of the editorial committees of Droit et Société (acting as its Italian correspondent), Revue interdisciplinaire d’études juridiques and Les cahiers de la justice (the journal of the École Nationale de la Magistrature).


This research project addresses the question of legal training, which, after long being neglected by the scientific communities of civil law countries, has finally sparked the interest it deserves in the past few years.

This change in attitude is unsurprising. The model for legal teaching conceived in the modern era (and still largely dominant today) currently reveals its complete inability to train legal scholars who can manage the complexity of law and contemporary society. This model is linked to a conception of law and legal knowledge that has undergone an increasingly profound crisis since the end of the Second World War.

Inspired by Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm shift theory, the first portion of the research project aims to show the close ties that exist between the medieval and modern models of legal education, as well as the ontological and epistemological characteristics of the corresponding legal paradigms.

The second portion is aimed at imagining a pedagogical model that is in phase with the new paradigmatic framework, characterised by reconnecting legal knowledge with the Aristotelian tradition of practical philosophy, and by rehabilitating the pre-modern category of the unavailable (the fundamental values of society guaranteed by constitutions). The fundamental hypothesis of this research is that this scientific revolution and the profound transformations of the contemporary legal experience require legal scholars who are not just good legal technicians (an approach that runs the risk of becoming dominant in teaching), but also cultured, intellectually curious individuals who are able to make sound arguments, equipped with critical thinking skills and imagination, and aware of the political and moral stakes of practising law.

Talk by M. Vogliotti (Paris IAS fellow (2014-2015))
30 Jan 2017 16:00 -
30 Jan 2017 18:00,
Paris :
Nouveaux enjeux, nouvelles méthodes d’enseignement
Table ronde organisée par M. Vogliotti (ancien résident de l'IEA de Paris)
21 Mar 2016 10:00 -
19 May 2016 13:00,
Alexandrie :
Quale formazione? Per quale giurista?
Communication de Massimo Vogliotti, résident à l'IEA de Paris
17 Jun 2015 09:00 -
17 Jun 2015 10:30,
Paris :
Enseigner le droit en France aujourd’hui
Entretien-débat avec Massimo Vogliotti, résident à l'IEA de Paris, D. Borde (cabinet intern. Paul Hastings), D. Truchet (Conseil National du Droit et Université Panthéon-Assas) et A. Garapon (Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice)
16 Jun 2015 18:30 -
16 Jun 2015 20:30,
Paris :
Quelle formation juridique aujourd’hui, et pour quel juriste ?
Journée d’étude organisée par Massimo Vogliotti, résident à l'IEA de Paris
13 Jun 2015 09:30 -
13 Jun 2015 18:00,
Paris :
Les transformations du droit et du savoir juridique : quelles conséquences pour la formation juridique?
Communication de Massimo Vogliotti, résident à l'IEA de Paris
17 Apr 2015 16:30 -
17 Apr 2015 17:15,
Padoue :
Per una nuova legalità: aperture della Cassazione, chiusure della Consulta
Participation de Massimo Vogliotti, résident à l'IEA de Paris
02 Mar 2015 00:00 -
05 Mar 2015 00:00,
Alessandria :
Sulla ristrutturazione della giuridicità nel mondo globale
Entretien-débat avec M. Vogliotti, résident à l'IEA de Paris, D. Borde (cabinet intern. Paul Hastings), D. Truchet (Conseil National du Droit et Université Panthéon-Assas) et A. Garapon (Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice)
Contemporary period (1789-…)
World or no region