A new history of Platonism in late Antiquity: tradition, innovation and philosophical and religious marginality
Hits: 6762
The Brain, Authenticity and Pediatric Gender Transition
Hits: 6834
The risks of thinking; or, toward a critique of bio-techno-positivism
Hits: 6880
What Happened | Plays
Hits: 8956
Clandestine Confessional Networks during the French Religious Wars
Hits: 7563
Memories that Forget: The Conceptual Grammar of Forgetting the Armenian Genocide in Turkey and Its Implications for Social Relations
Hits: 7416
Acknowledgment, denial and collective memories of mass atrocities: comparative perspectives
Hits: 6709
Réseaux et pratiques de la clandestinité au temps des guerres de Religion
Hits: 8088
Persistance de l’éphémère : regards sur les objets évanescents
Hits: 7811
Meeting with the new doctoral students of the City of Paris
Hits: 7031
Des Asiatiques en Île-de-France : nouveaux regards, nouvelles images
Hits: 7242
Evolutionary Foundationalism and the Myth of the Chemical Given
Hits: 7569
Gender Identity and the Appeal of the Brain
Hits: 7466
La place des femmes dans la ville : de la sociologie à l'art
Hits: 7500
Gouvernance et régulations sociales, XVIIIe - XXe siècles
Hits: 7889
Filosofia e religione nella costruzione del pensiero plotiniano
Hits: 6979
Accueil de manifestations scientifiques à l’IEA de Paris 2019-2020
Hits: 6901
Nikolai Karamzin, le patriarche du sentimentalisme russe, rencontre Jean-Jacques
Hits: 6961
Sounding Out Stein's Plays: Exercises in Group Analysis
Hits: 6843
The Radio Free Stein project
Hits: 6902