Challenges of Transitional Justice: Reflections from the Syrian Case
Hits: 37
Obstetric violence and the humanization of childbirth: Franco-Mexican dialogues
Hits: 23
Violence obstétricale, un concept d'origine latinoaméricaine
Hits: 27
Neoliberal Mutations
Hits: 46
Le recours à la justice transitionnelle dans les démocraties consolidées : vers de nouvelles perspectives ?
Hits: 64
Défis de Seine
Hits: 52
Serious Game « Water Values »
Hits: 50
Cities, Ecological Transition and Local Politics: A Comparative Perspective
Hits: 145
Comparing the Local Politics of Urban Environmental Transition
Hits: 81
How to build a people aesthetically: Autochthony and aesthetic experience as a model of social emancipation
Hits: 86
Romanticism across Borders
Hits: 81
Democratic Spaces: Security and TV Series (ERC Advanced Grant DEMOSERIES - Closing Conference)
Hits: 78
Living between languages: ethnographic encounters and translation
Hits: 61
Le lait humain : nourriture de subsistance ou fluide médicalisé marchandisé ?
Hits: 55
Sogdian Documents from Mount Mugh: Historical, archaeological, administrative and economic geographies of Central Asia at the eve of Islamization
Hits: 79
Responding to Pandemics in Africa: A Historical Institutionalist Perspective on France’s Approach
Hits: 83
Religion and migration in North America: a bottom-up perspective
Hits: 87
Travelling Concepts and Conceptual Engineering
Hits: 82
International Conference on "The Global War on Civilians, 1905-1945"
Hits: 103
Lumières noires ou réinvention des Lumières?
Hits: 115