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Re-reading political relations between the Cisalpine Republic and the French Directory


Antonino de Francesco, "Re-reading political relations between the Cisalpine Republic and  the French Directory", dans Joris Oddens, Mart Rutjes, Erik Jacobs (éd.), The Political Culture of the Sister Republics, 1794-1806, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2015.

Présentation de l'ouvrage

Leading historians of the French, Batavian, Helvetic, Cisalpine and Neapolitan revolutions bridge the gap between the historiographies of the so-called 'Sister' Republics. They explore political culture as a set of discourses or political practices. Parliamentary practices, the comparability of 'universal' political concepts, late-eighteenth century Republicanism, the relationship between press and politics, and the interaction between the Sister Republics and France are studied from a comparative, transnational perspective.


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Interprétations du monde pré-romain dans la culture politique de l'Europe moderne
01 février 2015 - 30 juin 2015
30 juin 2015
Antonino de Francesco
Époque contemporaine (1789-...)
Europe occidentale
Antonino de Francesco