Accueil / flux-publications / A 'Partilha do Gorila' entre ciência a literatura de alhures e saberes locais

A 'Partilha do Gorila' entre ciência a literatura de alhures e saberes locais


Silvio Marcus de Souza Correa, “A "Partilha do Gorila". entre ciência a literatura de alhures e saberes locais”, dans História Questões & Debates, Universidade Federal do Paraná, v. 62, n. 1, janvier-juin 2015, pp. 107-132


The article shows how some local knowledge about the gorilla were appropriated by science and literature since the mid-nineteenth century. The study of the circulation of knowledge allows us to understand the roles and the importance of Africans at the base of knowledge produced in scientific and literary field on the gorillas.

L’Afrique sous la domination coloniale allemande : des histoires connectées
01 octobre 2013 - 30 juin 2014
30 juin 2014
Silvio Marcus de Souza Correa
Époque contemporaine (1789-...)
Afrique subsaharienne
Silvio Marcus de Souza Correa