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Dopo Bergson


Massimo Ferrari, "Dopo Bergson", dans Rivista di filosofia, décembre 2015, n° 3, pp. 413-432.

Compte rendu de l'ouvrage Après Bergson. Portrait de groupe avec Philosophe, Paris, PUF, 2015, de Giuseppe Bianco, ancien résident de l'IEA de Paris.

Extrait de l'article

Giuseppe Bianco's book "After Bergson" represents an enlightening contribution to both the history of Bergson's reception within French philosophical culture, and the history of French philosophy in general since the end of World War I. This paper provides a very positive evaluation of Bianco's broad and admirably documented study, suggesting some further topics of research that could enrich and integrate his fascinating 'portrait of a family'.

Plus d'informations (site de Rivisteweb)

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