Accueil / flux-evenements / Protective Statues and Other Amulets: The Recipes in the Greek Magical Papyri

Protective Statues and Other Amulets: The Recipes in the Greek Magical Papyri

08 avr 2014 16:00 - 16:30
Aula Baratto, Venise

Communication de Chris Faraone, résident à l'IEA de Paris dans la


Conférence internationale

Ancient traditions and the current approaches of the scholars: many languages of today, for many cultures of the past


Cross-cultural Texts. Languages, objects, and the transmission of the rituals. An interdisciplinary and comparative analysis
on some unsearched ritual practices in the Graeco-Egyptian papyri (PGM)

Les amulettes grecques de l’époque impériale romaine
01 septembre 2013 - 31 janvier 2014
31 janvier 2014
08 Avr 2014 16:30
Christopher Faraone
Conférences, interventions et entretiens
Antiquité (3500 av. N.E.-476)
Europe occidentale
Études classiques