Accueil / Evénements / Immigration et intégration : questions clefs et enjeux socio-politiques

Immigration et intégration : questions clefs et enjeux socio-politiques

01 jui 2022 19:00 - 23:00
CiuP - Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe
37, boulevard Jourdan
75014 Paris

Colloque organisé par le Club des Chercheurs, avec la participation de Jim Hollifield et Nassima Neggaz, chercheurs en résidence à l'IEA de Paris, François Héran, Collège de France, Riva Kastoryano, CERI-SciencePo, avec le soutien de l'IEA de Paris

Colloque agrémenté d'un buffet dinatoire.
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Trois thèmes seront abordés en lien avec l'actualité sous la bienveillance de Nassima Neggaz :

  1. L’impact socio-démographique des migrations (François Héran)
  2. L’intégration des immigrants : de l’assimilation au multiculturalisme (Riva Kastoryano)
  3. L’économie politique des migrations (James Hollifield)

François Héran earned a PhD from EHESS (Paris) and a doctorat d’Etat in anthropology from Paris-Descartes University. After four years of fieldwork in Spain and Bolivia in the 1970s, he joined the French National Institute for Demographic Research (INED) and the National Institute of Statistics (INSEE) to conduct surveys on sociability, education, family structures, language transmission, and migration. Head of the Population Surveys Branch at INSEE from 1993 to 1998, he was director of INED from 1999 to 2009. He was president of the European Association for Population Studies between 2008 and 2012. In 2017 he was elected professor at the Collège de France (Paris), occupying the Migrations and Societies Chair. In the same year, his project for a migration institute was selected by the program Investing for the Future, leading to the creation of the Institut Convergences Migrations, which now supports 650 fellows studying migration in a broad spectrum of disciplines across France.  He is the author of many books and scientific articles, most recently Avec l'immigration:  Mesurer, débattre, agir (2017) and Lettre aux professeurs sur la liberté d'expression (2021) both published by La Découverte; also Parlons immigration en 30 questions (La Documentation française 2021).

James F. Hollifield is Ora Nixon Arnold Chair in International Political Economy, professor in the Department of Political Science, and director of the Tower Center at SMU. He is a global fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center and a fellow at the Institut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA) at the University of Bonn. Before joining the faculty at SMU, Hollifield taught at Brandeis and Auburn, was a research fellow at Harvard’s Center for European Studies, and was associate director of research at the French CNRS. In addition to many scientific articles and reports, his recent works include Controlling Immigration:  A Comparative Perspective, 4th edition (Stanford University Press) Migration Theory:  Talking Across Disciplines, 4th edition (Routledge), Understanding Global Migration (Stanford University Press), and International Political Economy: History, Theory and Policy (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming). Hollifield has served as an advisor for governments around the world and for many international organizations on matters of migration and human and economic development. In 2021–2022 he was named as a fellow of the French Institute for Advanced Study in Paris.

Riva Kastoryano is an emeritus research director at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) at the Center for International Studies (CERI), Sciences Po Paris. Her books include Negotiating Identities: States and Immigrants in France and Germany (Princeton University Press, 2002). She also edited Quelle identité pour l’Europe? Le multiculturalisme à l’épreuve (second edition, Presses de Sciences Po, 2005, with English, Portuguese, and Turkish translations); Nationalismes en mutation en Méditerranée Orientale, with A. Dieckhoff (Éditions du CNRS, 2002); Les codes de la différence. Religion, origine, race en France, Allemagne et Etats-Unis (Presses de Sciences Po, 2005); Turkey Between Nationalism and Globalization (Routledge, 2013); and Burying Jihadis: Bodies Between Territory and Identity (Hurst and Oxford University Press, 2018).

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01 Jui 2022 23:00
James Hollifield,Nassima Neggaz
Colloques et journées d’étude