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An interview with Pierre Pénet, organizer of the symposium "Crisis and the new prophets"

Institut d'études avancées de Paris

Interview with Pierre Pénet, sociologist and organizer of the symposium "Crisis and the new prophets. Intuition, forecast, reform" that will take place online on December 10 & 11.

Pierre Pénet is a sociologist and former Paris IAS Fellow.

Program & Registration

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Financial prophetism and crisis anticipation: a contribution from the social history of religion
01 September 2019 - 28 February 2020
International conference organized by Pierre Pénet, sociologist and former Paris IAS Fellow, as part of the d’Alembert Paris-Saclay / Paris IAS Chair, with the support of Paris-Saclay University
10 Dec 2020 09:30
11 Dec 2020 17:00
Crisis and the new prophets. Intuition, Forecast, Reform