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Chiara Cappelletto

Università degli Studi di Milano
L’acteur sur scène : une approche neuroesthétique de l’ex-centricité de l’être humain
15 September 2014 - 15 December 2014

Chiara Cappelletto is Senior Lecturer in Aesthetics at the Department of Philosophy at the Università degli Studi in Milan, and an Associate Member of the CRAL at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris.

Cappellotto directs or participates in several international projects involving issues that are crucial to her research activity, namely phenomenology of the living body, the notion of virtuality in the visual and performing arts, neuroaesthetics, and the role of fiction with regard to the reductionist process of neurosciences applied to art.

During my three months of residency at Paris IAS, I will analyse the question of the eccentric condition of the human being. I will study this in a neuroaesthetic perspective, dealing with the dialectic between an actor and his/her persona. This theme represents a central aspect of the research activity that I have been carrying out over the past ten years, focused on theatre as a cognitive process from the standpoint of philosophy.

Conference organized by A. Pinotti (Università Statale di Milano / Paris IAS 2017-2018), with the support of the IIC and the FMSH
13 Dec 2018 10:00 -
14 Dec 2018 18:00,
Paris :
Adventures of Identity: From the Double to the Avatar
Call for applications for a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Milan under the supervision of A. Pinotti (2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow) and C. Cappelletto (2014-2015 Paris IAS fellow)
07 Sep 2017 10:00 -
16 Oct 2017 12:00,
Aesthetics of Performative Environments: Immersivity, Agency, Avatar
Colloque international organisé par Chiara Cappelletto, résidente à l'IEA de Paris, et Emmanuel Alloa (Université de Saint-Gall)
04 Jun 2015 00:00 -
05 Jun 2015 00:00,
Paris :
Quand les images viennent au monde : Dynamis de l’image III
Communication de Ciara Cappelletto, résidente à l'IEA de Paris
20 Nov 2014 15:30 -
22 Nov 2014 10:00,
Verona :
Cornice museale, cornice di finzione: alleate o antagoniste?
25 Sep 2014 00:00 -
27 Sep 2014 00:00,
Gargnano del Garda :
Expressive qualities. State of the art and research perspectives on the expressive characters of experience
Colloque international organisé par Chiara Capelletto, résidente à l'IEA de Paris, et Emmanuel Alloa
Basel :
Dynamis of the Image. An Archaeology of Potentialities (II)

Conference organized by A. Pinotti (Università Statale di Milano / Paris IAS 2017-2018), with the support of the IIC and the FMSH
Contemporary period (1789-…)
World or no region