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Julie Ringelheim

Fonds national belge de la recherche scientifique
Non-discrimination, Redistribution and Recognition. Rethinking the Architecture of Equality Law
01 September 2011 - 29 February 2012
Julie RIingelheim is Senior Researcher in Human Rights Law with the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) and with the Centre for Philosophy of Law at Louvain University (UCL). She also teaches international human rights law and sociology of law at UCL. A graduate in law from the Free University of Brussels (1998), with an LLM from Cambridge University (Trinity Hall College) (1999), she obtained her PhD from the European University Institute in Florence (2005). In 2005-2006, she was Research Fellow at the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice in New York University. At IEA-Paris, she will work on a research project on the relations between non-discrimination law and socioeconomic inequalities. Her publications include Cultural Diversity and Human Rights. The Protection of Minorities through the European Convention on Human Rights (in French) (Bruylant, 2006) and, with O. De Schutter, Ethnic Monitoring: The Processing of Racial and Ethnic Data in Anti-Discrimination Policies: Reconciling the Promotion of Equality with Privacy Rights (Bruylant, 2010).
The research I plan to carry out while at IAS-Paris is part of a broader project. Based on a critical analysis of the evolution of European and comparative law on equality, examined in the light of current political and social theory debates on the concept of equality, this research project aims at elaborating a new conception of equality law that would be able to respond fairly and consistently to three essential challenges faced by contemporary societies, namely “non-discrimination,” “redistribution” and “recognition.” Whereas the phrase “non-discrimination” designates the elimination of arbitrary treatments and disadvantages suffered by individuals on the ground of their belonging to a particular group, by redistribution I mean the struggle against socio-economic inequalities and by “recognition” the question of respect for cultural identities. The basic hypothesis of this research is that, although there are tensions between these different objectives, all three of them are crucial for the development of a society that is able to guarantee its members equal autonomy and equal participation – two core values of a democracy.
Round table in the presence of S. Silbey (2015-2016 Paris IAS fellow), organized by the ISP
09 Jun 2017 14:00 -
09 Jun 2017 18:30,
Paris :
Perspectives à partir des Legal Consciousness Studies
Talk by Julie Ringelheim (Paris IAS fellow)
14 Jun 2013 16:00 -
14 Jun 2013 19:00,
Paris :
Equality Reeaxamined : French and U.S. Perspectives
23 Feb 2012 11:00 -
23 Feb 2012 13:00,
Paris :
Le juge face au voile à l'école : le cas de la Belgique
Talk by Julie Ringelheim (Paris IAS fellow)
04 Oct 2011 10:30 -
04 Oct 2011 10:30,
Bruxelles :
The notion of reasonable accommodation
Contemporary period (1789-…)