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Catherine Perret

Paris – Saint-Denis University
For a social history of madness and psychic care. Philosophical, anthropological, and clinical approach
15 February 2021 - 16 February 2021
History, philosophy and sociology of science

Catherine Perret is a professor of theory and history of arts at the University of Paris 8. She is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, agrégée de lettres and doctor of philosophy, and is qualified to direct research. Program director at the International College of Philosophy from 1995 to 2001, she is currently pursuing a seminar there. Psychoanalyst and clinical psychologist, she also works in institutions with children. Her work has developed under the aegis of Critical Theory, between philosophy, history of arts, cultural anthropology and psychoanalysis. The study of artistic practices, cultures and contemporary sensibilities in their complex relationship to memory and transmission, have led her to focus more specifically today on the clinical and educational practices of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Her Fellowship was supported by the Ministry of Research within the framework of the agreement with the RFIEA concerning the hosting of French professors-researchers in the members of the Network of Institutes of Advanced Study.

Research Interests

Critical Theory, Aesthetics, History of Modern and Contemporary Arts, Cultural Anthropology, Psychoanalysis

For a social history of madness and psychic care. Philosophical, anthropological, and clinical approach

This project is an extension of a research on the anthropological foundations of the clinical work Fernand Deligny conducted with "maladjusted" and autistic children from 1937 to 1996. A new clinic practice was then created. It is based on practices of the milieu that shed light on forms of social ties that have been forgotten and threatened by the political economy of the living world established by capitalist modernity.

The present project aims to develop the scope, today, of this limited experiment based on the history of socio-therapeutic experiments carried out after the war in psychiatric institutions. There, a few psychiatrists and theorists laid the foundations of a social approach to madness, which resulted in the creation of new meta-institutional forms whose topicality continues to be claimed by professionals in mental health care. Against the backdrops of their attempts at "disalienation", the objective will be both to write a new chapter in modern segregation practices and to reflect on the way in which the norms of inclusion that dominate the medico-social field shed light on the exclusions on which the social bond in advanced capitalist societies is based.

Rencontre autour de l'ouvrage de Catherine Perret, philosophe, ancienne résidente de l'IEA, avec la participation de Pierre-Henri Castel, philosophe, directeur de recherche au CNRS, et Hervé Mazurel, maître de conférences HDR à l'université de Bourgogne
15 Nov 2021 17:30 -
30 Nov 2021 18:45,
Paris :
Le Tacite, l'humain. Anthropologie politique de Fernand Deligny

Contemporary period (1789-…)
World or no region