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Vincenzo Bentivegna

Professeur d’évaluation économique des plans d’urbanisme et des projets de construction
University of Florence, Italy
The Evaluation of Urban Planning and of Large Urban Projects in Paris in 2010
01 March 2010 - 31 May 2010
Architecture and spatial planning

Professeur d’évaluation économique des plans d’urbanisme et des projets de construction à l’Université de Florence, ainsi qu’expert en évaluation de plans d’urbanisme, en développement territorial et en planification du développement des grandes aires urbaines dégradées.

Ancien membre de l’American Economic Society, de la Royal Economic Society et de l’European Economic Society, il est membre permanent de l’Istituto Nazionale d’Urbanistica et du Centro Studi di Estimo ed Economia Territoriale, comme du Comité directif de la Società Italiana Estimatori e Valutatori ; il est également membre académique correspondant étranger de l’Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes de la République du Portugal. Il a été professeur invité à l’Institut d'Urbanistique de l'Ecole Polytechnique de Thessalonique, à la Barlett School of Architecture and Plannig de Londres, à l’Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme d’Alger, à l’Université de Nanterre de Paris, à la Pennsylvania State University et l’Universitade Luisiada de Lisbonne.

The project addresses the methodology and the practice of evaluation of large projects aiming at transforming the City – projects which by their dimension, their consequences, and their symbolic contents have a strong structural impact on the organisation of the city and of its territory. The project attempts at integrating  two  issues : the city planning, and the large projects of urban transformation. These large projects require an evaluation adapted to the fact that they are at the same time exercises in urban planning focussed on a large part of the city, and detailed projects of urban transformation. From the urbanistic point of view, the analysis of the state of the art suggests to focus the attention on the process of mixed evaluation, rational and pragmatic at the same time. From the point of view of the project, one needs to develop a complex process of evaluation which would take into consideration the interests of different actors involved in the realisation of the project as well the relationships between these actors, which are moved by a process of negotiation. It is therefore required to go beyond  the traditional dichotomy between the evaluation of urban plans per se, and the evaluation of the project defined by its economic, financial and environmental parameters.

This project aims at understanding how the question of evaluation of urban plans and of large projects of urban transformation is taken up in practice, and dealt with by recent research focussed on the wide transformation planned for Paris. This Paris project offers a unique opportunity for understanding and stimulating evaluations in tune with the stakes involved.

Séminaire organisé dans le cadre du programme "Paris Métropoles en miroir. L'Ile de France comme région métropolitaine"
01 Oct 2010 16:45 -
15 Oct 2010 16:45,
Paris :
Grand Paris/Paris Métropole. Une confrontation internationale

Lettre d'information du RFIEA
Contemporary period (1789-…)