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Daniel Mercure

Université Laval
Organizational Changes and New Job Attitudes
01 January 2018 - 30 June 2018

"Jean d’Alembert"  Paris-Saclay – IEA de Paris Research Chair

Daniel Mercure is a full professor at the Department of Sociology of Laval University, honorary President of the International Association of French-Speaking Sociologists, founder and co-chair of the International Sociology of Work Committee and founding Director of the Contemporary Sociology collection at Presses de l’Université Laval. He has been a visiting professor and researcher at several universities and research centres in the United States, Europe and England. An elected member of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Canadian Royal Academy and a recipient of the Order of the Pleiades, he is the author of a dozen books, particularly in the field of the sociology of work.

Research interests

The relationships between changes in the world of work and socio-economic and cultural changes, especially with regard to new management practices and the modes of mobilizing subjectivity at work. The study of innovative forms of job attitudes constitutes the focal point of his ongoing work.

Organizational Changes and New Job Attitudes

The goal of the project is to study the implications of changes in work organization and managerial practices on the reconfiguration of job attitudes. To what extent, and in what ways, have these financially constrained transformations changed employees’ attitudes to work over the last thirty years?

Three periods can be differentiated on the basis of three criteria:

  • the main stages of increasing corporate versatility;
  • the transformation of the wage relationship;
  • and managerial practices (production methods, employment ties and modes of mobilisation at work).

The analysis of changes in job attitudes (attitudes towards the main components of work and behaviour at work) is based on the study of first-hand data from a large quantitative survey and 140 professional biographies of four generational cohorts (including retirees), and the study of secondary data from several monographs and surveys over time.

The analysis will identify the main trends of the organizational and managerial transformations (forms of employee mobilization) that have had an impact on attitudes to work. We are working under the assumption that the changes are broad in scale.

Documentary: Daniel Mercure (director P. Fraser), Un monde du travail en mutation : https://youtu.be/Z_q8CixsOHw

Conference organized by D. Mercure (Université Laval / 2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow) and M.-P. Bourdages-Sylvain (Université Téluq) within the framework of the chair Jean d’Alembert Paris-Saclay - Paris IAS
14 May 2019 09:00 -
14 May 2019 18:45,
Paris :
Société et subjectivité. Les transformations contemporaines
Lecture by D. Mercure, 2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow
08 Jun 2018 16:00 -
08 Jun 2018 17:00,
Paris :
Quels nouveaux mondes du travail ?
05 Jun 2018 14:00 -
05 Jun 2018 15:00,
Paris :
Capitalisme contemporain et régimes de mobilisation subjective au travail
Conference organized by D. Mercure (2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow) within the framework of the "Jean d’Alembert" Research Chair Paris-Saclay – Paris IAS
24 May 2018 09:00 -
24 May 2018 19:30,
Paris :
Les transformations contemporaines du rapport au travail
05 May 2018 00:00 -
05 May 2018 00:00,
Tunis :
L’analyse par substruction inversée sur la base d’un échantillon statistiquement représentatif de la population étudiée
Talk by D. Mercure, 2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow
15 Feb 2018 09:30 -
15 Feb 2018 11:00,
Paris :
Ce que la demande sociale fait aux sciences sociales
Daniel Mercure presents his research project within the framework of the weekly internal seminar
16 Jan 2018 11:00 -
16 Jan 2018 13:00,
Paris :
Les formes contemporaines de rapports au travail
Research project: "Organizational Changes and New Job Attitudes"
Contemporary period (1789-…)
North America