La fin des illusions d’une France sans frontières
Hits: 12000
The Earth’s Sorrow: A History of Buffalo Bill Cody
Hits: 10728
Pierre Guyotat : formations en langue normative
Hits: 10416
Children perceive speech onsets by ear and eye
Hits: 8621
Partial Least Squares Correspondence Analysis: A Framework to Simultaneously Analyze Behavioral and Genetic Data
Hits: 8633
Voyageurs étrangers à la cour de France
Written by Caroline zum Kolk |
Hits: 6194
Poésie kabyle. Transcriptions, typographies et formes métriques
Hits: 10056
Combattre l'occupant en Belgique et dans les départements français occupés en 1914-1918. Une «résistance avant la lettre» ?
Hits: 11991
Traumatized refugees, their therapists, and their interpreters: Three perspectives on psychological treatment
Written by coordinateur |
Hits: 6544
Co-Ethnics as Unwanted Others. Exploring Identity and Conflict Under Intra-Group Interaction
Written by coordinateur |
Hits: 10500
The Great Temple Project: In Search of the Sacred Precinct of Mexico-Tenochtitlan
Hits: 10863
L'angle mort des années 1950. Philosophie et sciences humaines en France
Hits: 12040
Absolutely Modern: Dylan, Rimbaud, and Visionary Song
Hits: 10707
Les intellectuels et la tyrannie
Written by coordinateur |
Hits: 12135
The Place of Emotion: Space, Silence and Interiority in the Stanzaic Morte Arthur
Written by coordinateur |
Hits: 10593
La presse satirique en Afrique Occidentale Française
Hits: 10236
The Art of Cistercian Persuasion in the Middle Ages and Beyond. Caesarius of Heisterbach’s Dialogue on Miracles and its Reception
Written by coordinateur |
Hits: 10774
Hits: 10239
Deux siècles de justice belge. Encyclopédie historique de la justice belge
Hits: 9857
Emancipation in Exile: Perspectives on the Empowerment of Migrant Women
Hits: 6245