‘Generosity … in the Slavery of this Brave Cavalier’: Sanctity Honor and Religious Violence in the French Mediterranean
Hits: 9848
War and Conflict in the Early Modern World: 1500-1700
Hits: 10996
Hits: 9801
De la destruction du vivre ensemble
Hits: 10184
Quand la violence devient un mode de vie
Hits: 9826
Citoyenneté européenne et crise migratoire
Hits: 9897
De l'Islam en Iran
Hits: 8648
Les défis d'une COP21 réussie
Hits: 9547
Diversity and Discrimination
Hits: 9652
Imagined Futures. Fictional Expectations and Capitalist Dynamics
Hits: 9817
Anti-liberal Europe. A Neglected Story of Europeanization
Hits: 10020
La materialidad del arte: La piedra y los colores de la Tlaltecuhtli
Hits: 9894
Alia Herculanea: Pre-Hispanic Sites and Antiquities in Late Bourbon New Spain
Hits: 10628
Camus et l'éthique
Hits: 10166
Anatomy of the Syrian Regime
Hits: 11993
Genius in France: An Idea and Its Uses
Hits: 10117
Police and Public Order in France and England (1750-1850). Perspectives from current historiography
Hits: 10895
Modernisation of the Criminal Justice Chain and the Judicial System
Hits: 10157
OCR Error Correction Using Character Correction and Feature-Based Word Classification
Hits: 11861
The Shipwrecked Mind: On Political Reaction
Hits: 12455