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Romanticism across Borders

24 mar 2025 09:00 - 25 mar 2025 16:00
IEA de Paris
17 quai d'Anjou
75004 Paris

Conference organized by Félix Duperrier, PhD student and temporary teaching and research associate at the Université Paris Cité, Pauline Hortolland, PhD and Senior Lecturer at the Université de Franche-Comté, and Camille Adnot, PhD and temporary teaching and research associate at the Université Paris-Est Créteil, with the support of the Paris IAS.

Event open to the public onsite and online, with mandatory registration (see forms below).
Conference in English.


The concept of "borders" is integral both to British romanticism and to romantic studies. Its centrality is primarly related to the considerable instability which, at the end of the eighteenth century, affected and displaced boundaries on simultaneously geopolitical, scientific, and cultural levels at once. On the one hand, the French and American revolutions, followed by the Napoleonic wars, disrupted borders in Europe. As well as in the rest of the world, these events overlapped with an accelerating imperial expansion, which reshaped the relationship between the United Kingdom and the rest of the world. In parallel, the scientific discoveries of the late eignteenth and early nineteenth century led to a profound reorganisation of scientific knowledge. Romantic writers and artists internalised these political and epistemological crises by redefining disciplinary boundaries. This conference - which stems from the "Romanticism across Borders" international online seminar - ecourages a contextual approach to these media. Hence the need to adopt an interdisciplinary and transnational perspective on British romanticism, as well as other romanticisms. 


Monday 24 March

9am - 10.30am: Panel 1. Figures
9am - 9.30am: Prof. Luisa Calè : ‘Exodus in Pictures: from single image to serial thinking’
9.30am - 10am: Dr Elisabeth Ansel: ‘Crossing Borders: The Geological and Mythological Imagination of Staffa in British and European Romanticism’
10am - 10.30am: Angela Roumpani : ‘ ‘This Wond’rous World of Waters’’: Mourning Testaments for Malleable Borders and ‘‘Deathscapes’’ in Charlotte Smith’s The Emigrants’
10.30am -11am: Coffee break
11am - 1pm: Panel 2. Otherness
11am - 11.30am:
Dr Rebekah Musk : ‘Porous Boundaries: Space, Shorelines and Sexuality in Byron’s Turkish Tales’
11.30am - 12pm: Prof. Carmen Faye Mathes: ‘Romantic Derivativeness, Oriental Tales, and Poetic Attachments’
12pm - 12.30pm: Prof. Fabien Desset : ‘“An equal amidst equals”: the Boundary between Human Beings and Animals in Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Poetry and Prose’
12.30pm - 1pm: Albrecht Andrin : ‘Full Fathom Five: Breaching the Vertical Border in Romantic Ocean Narratives’
1pm - 2.30pm: Lunch break
2.30pm - 4pm: Keybote by Prof. Nicholas Halmi : ‘Porous Borders / Border Control’
4pm - 4.30pm: Coffee break
4.30pm - 6pm: Panel 3. Philosophy and Cognition
4.30pm - 5pm:
Prof. Young-ok Ann, Adam Bezdicek, Beth Marrinan : ‘Mary Shelley across Borders: Digital Mapping of Shelley’s Novels’
5pm - 5.30pm: Piper Winkler : ‘“Marriage had bastilled me”: The International
Contexts of Wollstonecraft’s Prison Metaphors’
5.30pm - 6pm: Cal Sutherland : ‘The Girondin of Rydal: Enclosure, Form, and Cross-Border Exchanges in the Later Wordsworth’

Tuesday 25 March

9am - 10.30am: Panel 4. Blakean Borders
9am - 9.30am: Prof. Michael Demson : ‘Nationalistic Epics Across International Borders’
9.30am - 10am: Jake Elliott : ‘Metropolitan Borders: Blake, London, and the Development of Regent Street’
10am - 10.30am: Dr Silvia Riccardi : ‘Material Borders in Blake’s Manuscripts’
10.30am - 11am: Coffee break
11am - 1pm: Panel 5. Textual Boundaries
11am - 11.30am:
Prof. Patrick Vincent : ‘Henry Brougham, French Romantic?’
11.30am - 12pm: Lewis Roberts : ‘“With wild surmise”’: Borders and cognition in Romantic Manuscripts
12pm - 12.30pm: Prof. Jeremy Elprin : ‘“I have nothing but my dull self”: Joseph Severn’s Significantly Borderline Correspondence’
12.30pm - 1pm: Prof. Tim Milnes : ‘Trembling Boundaries: The Romantic Essay and the Borders of Knowledge’
1pm - 2.30pm: Lunch break
2.30pm - 4pm: Panel 6. The Borders of the Novel
2.30pm - 3pm: Prof. Angela Esterhammer : ‘National Character and Cross-Border Storytelling in the 1830s’
3pm - 3.30pm: Prof. James Chandler : ‘Scott’s “Border Characters”’
3.30pm - 4pm: Jack Murphy : ‘Novels without Ends: Belinda and the Subjectivity of Compression’

Event's website

SéancesOn site attendanceOnline attendance
24 March 2025, 09:00 - 18:00
25 March 2025, 09:00 - 16:00
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25 Mar 2025 16:00
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