Gender and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Women on the Front Lines
Round table organized by the City of Paris Centre in collaboration with the Paris Institute for Advanced Study
The Covid-19 pandemic has considerably affected the whole of the world's population, provoking, beyond the health aspect, profound disruptions in daily life and the aggravation of pre-existing difficulties, at the individual and collective levels. But not all populations have been equally affected, and the disease has been an extraordinary revealer of inequalities, which it has deepened. Women in particular have been particularly affected: more exposed to infection, they have also been over-represented in front-line jobs, severely impacted by the combination of teleworking and distance learning, and victims of an upsurge in domestic violence.
This roundtable aims to analyze and highlight these gender inequalities in the face of Covid, by giving the floor to researchers who will highlight the specific place of women in the pandemic based on the results of recent research.
Participants :
Fanny Chabrol, Sociologist, Researcher IRD at the Centre Population Développement (CEPED, Université Paris-Cité - IRD)
Cyrine Gardes, Sciences Po, sociolo-anthropologist, post-doctoral fellow on the INJUVID project: Injustices, conflictualities and experiences of law in health emergencies
Ariane Pailhé, PhD. in economics, research director at the Institut national des études démographiques
Shirley Wirden, Deputy Mayor of Paris Centre, in charge of gender equality, social affairs, solidarity, the fight against exclusion and child protection
Practical informations
Free entrance / mandatory registration (see form below)