The art of medicine. The other global South
Nancy Rose Hunt, Todd Meyers, "The art of medicine. The other global South", dans The Lancet, vol. 384, 29 novembre 2014, p. 1921-1922.
Extrait de l'article
Our story begins with a place. We are standing in front of the former United Community Hospital with a visiting French historian of medicine who works on central Africa. We gaze up. Along the first floor are massive metal louvers that stretch the length of the building, below rows of boarded and broken windows. The modern five-story hospital is covered in dull metallic siding. Trash is scattered in the fields that have grown wild around the building. A rusty patina made by the nearby rail yard and petroleum refinery covers everything. It’s warm and the sun is setting. The hospital is solitary, as if out of place and time. “We could be in Kinshasa”, Guillaume Lachenal says. We are in Detroit.
Nouvelle histoire médicale de la folie en Afrique 01 septembre 2014 - 30 juin 2015 |