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Laura L. Frader

Northeastern University, Boston
Les Origines des politiques d’égalité des sexes dans la Communauté européenne : l’égalité en question
01 octobre 2015 - 31 décembre 2015
Études sur le genre

Chercheuse associée à l’Institut d’études avancées de Paris.

Laura L. Frader is Professor of History at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts and Faculty Associate at the Center for European Studies, Harvard. Her work has focused on how ideas about sexual difference have shaped the meaning and practices of work and the nature of the “French social model.” She is the author of Breadwinners and Citizens: Gender and the Making of the French Social Model (Duke University Press, 2008), editor of Gender and Class in Modern Europe (Cornell University Press, 1966) with Sonya O. Rose, and editor of Race in France: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Politics of Difference (Berghahn, 2004) with Herrick Chapman.

Laura L. Frader's current research focuses on the history of gender equality policies of the European Economic Community. Since the founding of the EEC, the European Union has been a powerful and progressive force committed to expanding and protecting women’s rights. Frader’s current project examines the origins of gender equality policies in the EEC in the 1957 Treaty of Rome through the major directives on equality up to the 1990s. It explains how, in spite of profound ambiguity concerning the place of women in the family and in the labor market in the1950s, new equality policies were elaborated at the European level and examines their effect in several Member States (Britain, France, Germany).

Époque contemporaine (1789-...)
Europe occidentale