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Jan Willem Duyvendak

Université d'Amsterdam
The Rise of Nativism: New Axes of Social Exclusion in Western Europe?
01 février 2016 - 30 juin 2016

Jan Willem Duyvendak is Distinguished Research Professor of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam, after he had been director of the Verwey-Jonker Research Institute for Social Issues (1999-2003) and Professor of Community Development at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. With regard to his background training, he received his master’s degrees in both sociology and philosophy at the University of Groningen. Moreover, he did his doctoral research, which dealt with new social movements, at the University of Amsterdam. His main fields of research currently are the transformation of the welfare state, belonging and ‘feeling at home’, and nativism. His latest books include The Politics of Home. Nostalgia and Belonging in Western Europe and the United States (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), European States and Their Muslim Citizens. The Impact of Institutions on Perceptions and Boundaries (Cambridge University Press 2014, co-edited with John Bowen, Christophe Bertossi, Mona Lena Krook), and Players and Arenas. The Interactive Dynamics of Protest (Amsterdam University Press 2015, co-edited with James M. Jasper). In 2013-2014, Duyvendak was Distinguished Fellow at the Advanced Research Collaborative at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. In Spring 2016, he will be Fellow at the Paris Institute for Advanced Studies.

My claim is that something fundamental is changing in the positioning of various groups in Western European societies. If we want to understand these shifts, framing them as we did previously – e.g. “racism” – may inadvertently obscure much of what is going on today. The terms in which exclusion is legitimized today seem to be less related to phenotype and more to (assumed) cultural differences, often mapped onto territorial divides. In my research project, I want to better understand how across Western Europe, particularly in France and the Netherlands, “nativist” discourses exist. Whereas in the Netherlands we have empirical evidence that “nativism” is partly replacing “racism” (in political discourse as well as in the experiences of various minority groups themselves), the picture is less clear in France. It is my main objective to describe and analyze this anti-Muslim, nativist discourse and its precise impact on “traditional”, skin-color coded racism in France and the Netherlands.

Rencontres et forum organisés par l’ANR, le Festival d’Avignon et le CNRS
09 Juil 2019 09:30 -
11 Juil 2019 18:00,
Avignon :
L'IEA de Paris soutient la 6ème édition des Rencontres Recherche et Création
Résident 2015-2016 de l'IEA de Paris, J.W. Duyvendak prendra ses nouvelles fonctions de directeur le 1er janvier 2018
06 Oct 2017 10:30 -
Amsterdam :
Jan Willem Duyvendak nommé directeur du NIAS
Conférence de N. Foner (Graduate Center CUNY), dans le cadre de l'atelier organisé par J.W. Duyvendak (résident de l'IEA de Paris)
24 Jui 2016 14:30 -
24 Jui 2016 16:30,
Paris :
The Not So Good Old Days: How the U.S. Became a Multicultural Society
Atelier de recherche organisé par J.W. Duyvendak (résident de l'IEA de Paris) et C. Bertossi (IFRI)
23 Jui 2016 09:00 -
24 Jui 2016 17:00,
Paris :
Giving History its Place in Migration and Refugee Debates and Research
Atelier de recherche co-organisé par J.W. Duyvendak (résident de l'IEA de Paris)
23 Mai 2016 13:00 -
23 Mai 2016 18:30,
Paris :
Uses of mis-uses of national models
Communication de J.W. Duyvendak (résident de l'IEA de Paris)
29 Mar 2016 14:30 -
30 Mar 2016 18:00,
Paris :
Assimilation and (super?)diverse cities. The case of Amsterdam
09 Mar 2016 17:00 -
09 Mar 2016 19:00,
Paris :
What does 'belonging' mean in a 'republican' city? Some thoughts about feeling at home in French cities
Époque contemporaine (1789-...)
Europe occidentale