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Production of Locality in the Early Modern and Modern Age: Places


Angelo Torre, Production of Locality in the Early Modern and Modern Age: Places (Microhistories), Routledge, 2019.


This book is a microhistory study of village settlements in early modern Northwest Italy that aims to expand the notion of place to include the process of producing a locality; that is, the production of native local subjects through practices, rituals and other forms of collective action.

Undertaking a micro-analytical approach, the book examines the customs and practices associated with typically fragmented and polycentric Italian village settlements to analyze the territorial tensions between various segments of a village and its neighbors.

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Revendiquer les biens communs ? Ressources locales, culture de la possession et organismes sociaux sous l'Ancien Régime
01 septembre 2019 - 30 juin 2020
Angelo Torre
Époque moderne (1492-1789)
Europe occidentale
Angelo Torre