Accueil / flux-evenements / Processing Citizenship. On peopling ‘aliens’ for peopling ‘Europe’

Processing Citizenship. On peopling ‘aliens’ for peopling ‘Europe’

16 mar 2017 15:30 - 16:15
Tate Modern’s Switch House

Intervention d'Annalisa Pelizza (résidente de l'IEA de Paris) durant l'atelier de recherche "Peopling ‘Europe’ through Data Practices", organisé dans le cadre du projet de recherche ARITHMUS (Peopling Europe: How data make a people)

Présentation de l'événement

Politically, ‘Europe’ has been unable to address itself to a constituted polity and people that are something more than an agglomeration of nation-states. From the resurgence of nationalisms to the crisis of the single currency and the unpreceded decision of a member state to leave the European Union, core questions about the future of ‘Europe’ have been rearticulated: Who are the people of ‘Europe’? Is there a ‘European’ identity? What does it mean to say ‘I am European’? Where does ‘Europe’ begin and end, and who can legitimately claim to be a part of a ‘European’ people? If ‘Europe’ is to be more than a geographical marker how might it be conceived as a polity?

Plus d'informations (site du projet ARITHMUS)

Les infrastructures de la gouvernance. Coproduction des citoyens, des territoires et des institutions
01 février 2017 - 30 juin 2017
16 Mar 2017 16:15
Annalisa Pelizza
Conférences, interventions et entretiens
Époque contemporaine (1789-...)
Europe occidentale
Sciences de l'information et de la communication