Accueil / flux-evenements / Five seconds of history : temporal perspectives on a public execution in eighteenth-century Paris

Five seconds of history : temporal perspectives on a public execution in eighteenth-century Paris

14 mar 2017 17:00 - 19:00
Queen Mary Center for Eighteenth-Century Studies

Intervention de Pascal Bastien (résident de l'IEA de Paris) au Queen Mary Center for Eighteenth-Century Studies.


The paper will explore a recurrent quotidian feature of Parisian life in the eighteenth century, namely, a public execution. It will analyse it as an urban micro-event in temporal perspectives that ranged from anticipation of the act through to memories produced by it. The focus will be not simply on the public executioner but also on the different individuals and communities caught up in the event.

Plus d'informations (site du Queen Mary Center for Eighteenth-Century Studies)

Sociabilités urbaines et engagement politique à Paris au XVIIIe siècle
01 octobre 2016 - 30 juin 2017
14 Mar 2017 19:00
Pascal Bastien
Conférences, interventions et entretiens
Époque moderne (1492-1789)
Europe occidentale