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European Research Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences

27 nov 2024 09:00 - 28 nov 2024 16:00
IEA de Paris
17 quai d'Anjou
75004 Paris

Colloque organisé par le CNR-CNRS-CSIC, avec le soutien de l'IEA de Paris.

Organisateurs : William Berthomière, Directeur adjoint scientifique en charge du pôle Europe et International, CNRS Sciences humaines et Sociales, Salvatore Capasso, Direttore di Dipartimento di Scienze umane e sociali, patrimonio culturale (DSU), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Francisco Javier Moreno Fuentes, Vicepresidente de Relaciones Internacionales, Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas (CSIC).

Evenement fermé au public


The aim of this conference is

  • To define the research issues that we could jointly defend to the European institutions as part of the definition of the scientific themes of the future FP10 within the domain of the Humanities and the Social Sciences, and also to explore the perspectives of scientific collaboration in the framework of the widening policy with Balkan countries.
  • To prepare for the implementation of actions to support the mobility of researchers between our three institutions in order to develop joint research projects in these disciplinary areas.

In this perspective, the scientific debate will focus on six major themes :
1. Socio-demographic approach of population: youth, ageing, vulnerable and disabled people, migration.
2. Inequalities: economic, social, educational, gender.
3. Green transition, with particular emphasis on urban approaches.
4. Cultural heritage.
5. Digital humanities and artificial intelligence.6. Science for diplomacy and international relations: scientific, cultural, educational and artistic transfers.

Programme détaillé

28 Nov 2024 16:00
Colloques et journées d’étude