Accueil / flux-evenements / Heteric Welfarism: Intuitions and Puzzles

Heteric Welfarism: Intuitions and Puzzles

16 mai 2024 09:00 - 17 mai 2024 17:00
Paris School of Economics
48 bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris, salle R2-01

Intervention de Michael Livermore, chercheur résident à l'IEA de Paris 2023-2024, dans le cadre de la conférence Aux Frontières de la Philosophie et de l'Economie à l'Ecole d'Economie de Paris.


Heteric welfarism is the view that the diversity of subjective experience is morally significant, such that worlds with a greater variety of experiences are better, ceteris paribus, then worlds with less variety of subjective experience. Heteric welfarism vindicates intuitions that species extinction (at least of complex, sentient organisms) is a special loss, above and beyond effects on individual well-being. It also provides reasons to protect endangered cultures and ways of life. Questions raised by heteric welfarism include its interaction with the Pareto principle, how to best treat rare but negative experiences, and concerns related to the leveling down objection and the repugnant conclusion. This talk will describe heteric welfarism, discuss some of its motivating intuitions, and explore some of the puzzles that it raises.

Informations pratiques et inscriptions

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Droit et éthique à la frontière entre l'humain, le naturel et l'artificiel
01 septembre 2023 - 30 juin 2024
17 Mai 2024 17:00
Michael Livermore
Conférences, interventions et entretiens