Accueil / flux-evenements / Reconceptualizing immigration

Reconceptualizing immigration

15 mai 2024 15:15 - 17:30
Aula Meridiana
Via Balbi 5
Genoa – Law Department

Intervention de Patricia Mindus (Université d'Uppsala), chercheuse-résidente à l'IEA de Paris 2023-2024, dans le cadre de la conférence "Urban Inequalities, Spatial Segregation, and Socio-Legal Changes: Comparative Perspectives" organisée avec le soutien de l'ERC.

La conférence aura lieu à Gènes, en Italie


With a starting point in on my current IEA project focused on developing a realistic approach to migration law, I will discuss some of the theses in Arbaci Sallazzaro’s work on the Paradoxes of Segregation in relation to migration and segregation by challenging the assumption that the evolution in law and the facts observed on the ground are causally connected and discuss possible interpretations thereof. I will distinguish what counts as triggers on both the levels of law and urban development as far as migration is concerned. I will connect some of Arbaci Sallazzaro’s reflections on segretation to those on migration to offer some thoughts and questions for further developments on how to understand the connection of what goes on in the law and what goes on on the ground in cities, keeping the focus on Southern European Cities.

Informations pratiques

La conférence aura lieu à Gènes, en Italie.
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Vers une théorie réaliste du droit des étrangers
01 septembre 2023 - 30 juin 2024
15 Mai 2024 17:30
Patricia Mindus
Conférences, interventions et entretiens