Accueil / flux-evenements / Monitoring and evaluation of moonshot investments: how to abandon failing projects?

Monitoring and evaluation of moonshot investments: how to abandon failing projects?

22 avr 2024 15:30 - 16:30

Intervention de Lea Fünfschilling, chercheuse résidente à l'IEA de Paris, dans le cadre du workshop « Scaling or phasing out experiments in STI policy: Assessment needs » organisé par l’OCDE.

Evénement fermé au public.


This workshop will discuss embracing a shift towards a culture of policy experimentation in government at scale by the STI policymakers and assessing and evaluating impacts of these policy experiments.

To navigate in rapidly evolving world, experimentation can be a way of pro-actively tackling uncertainty. But employing untested tools and trying out a variety of approaches will also invariably lead to some failures. This may even be by design – nine out of ten attempts may not work, only one may be successful. Paradoxically, failure is necessary in the face of uncertainty, while success is not guaranteed.

This session will start with a keynote intervention about the ‘paradox of failure’ and present learnings and imperatives for policy experimentation, focussing on experimentation for the green transition.

Moderator: Elvira Uyarra, Professor, Alliance Manchester Business School

Keynote speaker: Lea Fünfschilling, Paris IAS fellow, Associate professor, Lund University


Mireille Matt, Research Director, French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE)
Nathalie Leclerc, Lead Experimentation for the Design, Experimentation Centre of Expertise, ISED
Nikhil Chaudhary, Strategic Learning Lead, EIT Climate-KIC
Matthias Weber, Head of Center for Innovation Systems and Policy, Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)

Plus d'infos sur cet événement


Le début des fins : création d'une communauté épistémique pour l'étude du déclin industriel
01 septembre 2023 - 30 juin 2024
22 Avr 2024 16:30
Léa Funfschilling
Conférences, interventions et entretiens