Accueil / flux-evenements / Revisiting the Intersection of Migration, Economy, and Language

Revisiting the Intersection of Migration, Economy, and Language

15 jui 2023 13:30 - 16 jui 2023 18:30
Jour 1 : IEA de Paris
17 quai d'Anjou
75004 Paris

Jour 2 : University of Chicago Center in Paris
6 rue Thomas Mann
75013 Paris

Workshop coorganisé par Cécile Vigouroux, professeure associée de sociolinguistique à l'Université Simon Fraser, Canada, résidente 2022-2023 de l'IEA de Paris, et Salikoko S. Mufwene, détenteur de la Chaire Edward Waller Carson de linguistique, Université de Chicago, avec le soutien du University of Chicago Center in Paris.

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Workshop sur deux sites : IEA de Paris (jour 1) et University of Chicago Center in Paris (jour 2). Possibilité d'y assister en présentiel ou en ligne.
Jour 1 : inscription via le formulaire en bas de page.
Jour 2 : inscription via le site de l'University of Chicago Center in Paris :


In this two-day workshop, the participants will discuss the role that economy plays in shaping migrants’ language repertoires and ideologies. We will also examine various ways in which governmental institutions and NGOs prepare migrants for insertion in their new, host countries’ economies.

This interdisciplinary workshop will include political scientists, historians, sociologists, sociolinguists, and linguistic anthropologists. One of the key questions that will be addressed is how experts in different academic disciplines interpret economy, as well as the key sites where economic dynamics are deployed.

One of the originalities of the workshop will be to bridge the multiple areas of scholarship that address the question of how ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ economies shape language dynamics and ideologies, highlighting differences and similarities.


Jour 1 à l'Institut d'études avancées de Paris
June 15, 2023

13:30-13:35: Ouverture

How does the UN Talk about Human Mobility? A Textual Analysis of Narratives by IOM and UNHCR on Migrants and Refugees
Antoine Pécoud
(Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)

Linguistic (In)Security: How Germany’s Integration Policies Delay Newcomers’ Socioeconomic Mobility
Leonie Schulte
(University College London)

Close Care, Distant Care: Migrations and Transnational Domestic Resources between the Mediterranean Mountains and Northwestern Europe (Late Nineteenth-Early Twentieth Century)
Manuela Martini (Université Lumière Lyon 2 and IUF)


Language Socialization of Urdu-Speaking Migrants in France: Invisible Men’s Access to the Clandestine Labor Market
Shahzaman Haque (Inalco, Paris)

The Emergence of Differential Provision for Migrant Residents in a Belfast Urban Regeneration Project
Coirle Magee
(University College London)

Jour 2 au University of Chicago Center in Paris (6 rue Thomas Mann 75013)
June 16, 2023

Division and Multiplication: Language, Migration and the Political Economy of Labor
Alfonso Del Percio (University College London)

“Can Self-Employment be a Way to Labour Market Integration for Refugee Women?”
Discursive Reproduction of ‘Entrepreneurialism’ and ‘the Rationality of Project’

Kati Dlaske (University of Jyväskylä)


“It’s Not about Race, it’s Not about Color, it’s Not about you Being Who You Are”: Readying up African Migrants to Accept Precarity in South Africa
Cécile B.  Vigouroux (Paris Institute for Advanced Study & Simon Fraser University)

11:50: 12:40
Formations linguistiques et marché de l'emploi en France : quelles articulations ?
Hervé Adami (Université de Lorraine, ATILF/CNRS)

Pause déjeuner

Economic Systems, Population Structures, and Languages in European Colonies
Salikoko S. Mufwene (University of Chicago)

To Use or Not to Use Local Languages: Language-in-Education Policies and Ethnolinguistic Vitality
Felix K. Ameka (Leiden University Centre for Linguistics)

Urban Ecology of Bilingual Education: Exploring Unequal Distribution of Linguistic Capital in Berlin
Héctor Álvarez Mella (Heidelberg University, Germany)


The Effect of Language Training on Immigrants' Economic Integration: Empirical Evidence from France
Alexia Lochmann (Paris School of Economics & Harvard University)

17:40- 18:30

Informations pratiques

Workshop sur deux sites : IEA de Paris (jour 1) et University of Chicago Center in Paris (jour 2). Possibilité d'y assister en présentiel ou en ligne.
Jour 1 : inscription via le formulaire ci-dessous.
Jour 2 : inscription via le site de l'University of Chicago Center in Paris :

Date dépassée
Langue, migration et économie politique de “la débrouille”
01 septembre 2022 - 30 juin 2023
16 Jui 2023 18:30
Cécile Vigouroux
Colloques et journées d’étude