Accueil / flux-evenements / Decolonizing Knowledge Construction about (Linguistic) Africa

Decolonizing Knowledge Construction about (Linguistic) Africa

14 oct 2022 18:30 - 19:30
Centre de l’Université de Chicago à Paris
6 rue Thomas Mann
75013 Paris

Table ronde en anglais organisée par le Centre de l'Université de Chicago à Paris, avec la participation de Cécile Vigouroux, professeur de sociolinguistique, résidente 2022-2023 de l'IEA de Paris.


The study of languages and other cultural domains in Africa started in the 19th century, at the onset of the exploitation colonization of the continent, from a Western European lens. Some of us now wonder how linguistics and the other academic disciplines would have developed if they had been invented in Africa and had been shaped primarily by Africans. This conversation focuses on the extent of the Western bias in the construction of academic knowledge about Africa and on the pressing need to revisit some topics.

With the participation of :

Sinfree Makoni
(Professor of Applied Linguistics and African Studies, Director of the African Studies Program, Penn State University, USA)

Salikoko S. Mufwene (The Edward Carson Waller Distinguished Service Professor of Linguistics and The College at the University of Chicago, Academic Director of the University of Chicago Center in Paris (2022-2023)

Cécile Vigouroux (Association Professor of Sociolinguistics at Simon Fraser University, Canada, Fellow at the Paris Institute for Advanced Study (2022-23)

Informations et inscriptions

Langue, migration et économie politique de “la débrouille”
01 septembre 2022 - 30 juin 2023
14 Oct 2022 19:30
Cécile Vigouroux
Conférences, interventions et entretiens