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Blockade as Transnational Strategy: The Perspective from Japan

18 jui 2022 13:30 - 15:00
Scandic Nidelven Hotel
Havnegata 1-3, 7010 Trondheim

Intervention de Sheldon Garon (Princeton University, chercheur-résident 2021-2022 de l'IEA de Paris) dans le cadre du colloque "The Blockade in the Era of the Two World Wars"  organisé par le Department of Modern History and Society Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) avec le soutien du Research Council of Norway.


In both world wars, blockades constituted a key means of warfare, which impacted profoundly on the living conditions of European and non-European populations, on world trade, on major strategic decisions (like unrestricted submarine warfare), on neutrality, on technology and science, on war economies and resource management, and on overall policy decisions. The experience of blockade in the First World War in particular informed trade and economic policies, military preparations, diplomatic negotiations, international law, and mentalities for the next three decades. Blockade became a defining feature of modern warfare itself.

This 2-day conference debates the developments, effects and legacies of blockade in 20th-century warfare, principally the two world wars. The conference brings together scholars working on a wide variety of topics and employing different methodological approaches to showcase and debate current research trends. It focuses on questions of economic, diplomatic, legal, and military history as well as social and cultural history. The intention of this conference is to review the current state of scholarship and stake out the ground for new research. In all, it interrogates the significance of the blockades for the era of the two world wars, paying special attention to how the 'first blockade' affected and shaped the 'second blockade'.

Informations pratiques

Pour plus d'informations, suivre ce lien.

Quand les fronts intérieurs deviennent des champs de bataille : Une histoire transnationale de la violence contre les civils au Japon, en Allemagne et en Grande-Bretagne pendant les deux guerres mondiales
01 septembre 2021 - 30 juin 2022
18 Jui 2022 15:00
Sheldon Garon
Conférences, interventions et entretiens